Friday, May 15, 2009

Stand and Stare CLOSELY

A few days ago I wrote a post about a poem that encouraged us to "stand and stare." Today, I want to expand a little on that theme, and show a few photos on the theme "stand and stare closely" - or should it be "stand closely and stare"?? In the photos that follow, you'll see the "general" view of some plants or trees, and then one or more pictures that get "up close and personal." The pictures were taken yesterday and today in a variety of locations — our front yard, along city streets, in parking lots, and around BYU campus.

There is fascinating, often exquisite detail in God's creation!


Judy said...

I miss lilacs. Remember the big bush on the corner of 3rd East and 3rd South?

David Kenison said...

Oh yes! I think lilacs are to me like orange blossoms are to you. I could stand near a bush and smell the perfume for hours.

Bob said...

Very nice, Dave. It is amazing how beautiful flowers can be when they are examined up-close.