Sunday, May 3, 2009

Beautiful couple

Tonight after visiting Grandma, we drove up to the WordPerfect campus to take some "engagement photos" of Sarah and Brian. They are great looking kids, and many of the photos turned out very nice.

More to come!


Judy said...

Wow, really cute. How will you ever decide? Maybe you could just send a scrapbook with each invitation.

Judy said...

I think I like the tree one best.

Denise P said...

very cute

Unknown said...

Lots of very cute pictures, but I liked the tree one best, too. Chris

Snakebit said...

Nice pictures. A beautiful couple. I am struck by how much Sarah reminds me of Bonnie. Sarah and Brian look like they are settling into their new found identity nicely. What a fun time.

Wendi said...

Great photos! :)