Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rocky Mountain High

Matt had the day off from work, so I took a vacation day and we headed for the mountains — Park City, to be specific. There was new snow earlier in the week, but today was crisp and bright — one of those perfect Utah ski days we wait for all season! The skies were blue, the snow was soft and light, and the air was so clear. Since it was still midweek the lines were very short and we had an unbelievable day. Matt commented it was the best ski day he's ever had.

We did recognize it was only a few weeks before his mission, and not wanting to cause complications with an injury, we played it pretty conservative. But we certainly had a blast. It's nice to have some father/son bonding like this.

Click on the photos below to view enlarged versions:

This final image is classic Matt. He has always loved striking out into the trees and being adventurous — and hopefully avoiding "close encounters" with pine trees at high speeds!

Video of Matt's fine technique:

Video of spectacular scenery high on Park City's ridge:

Exploring in the trees:


Judy said...

Please, PLEASE don't take after your klutzy dad, who broke his elbow right before he entered the MTC.

Wendi said...

You're pretty impressive with the picture and video taking while skiing and driving (in earlier posts). :)