Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Daddy's Little Princess

Can it be possible? Has it really been 21 years already??

I have vague memories of April 15, 1988. Bonnie and I were living in Manassas, Virginia. We had been married for nine months, and she was due to deliver. I was in the hospital receiving chemotherapy, not able to provide much support. We had hoped Sarah would wait until I finished the current course of treatment, but she was in a hurry! When Bonnie started into labor on April 13, her wonderful parents took over providing the transportation, encouragement, communication, etc. The nurses and staff in the hospital would relay messages to my hospital room about what was happening with Bonnie down in maternity.

Fortunately, I was able to wheel my IV pole down to the delivery room and be there with Bonnie through the later stages of labor, and when Sarah was born. It was a remarkable thing to experience, even through my drugged haze. We were so happy! I remember having to write down some of the details so I could answer questions when people called to talk.

Things quickly improved. I soon returned to health, and life moved on. Sarah was a sweet and darling baby, much loved in our family and extended family. We moved from Virginia to Colorado when she was just a year old, then from Colorado to Utah two years after that.

Sarah has always been a darling little girl; she could melt her Daddy's heart with a smile, and the twinkle in her beautiful blue eyes was something to behold.

As she grew and matured into a teenager, we were stunned at how easy it was to be parents. We must have been REALLY good at it, since she turned out so well with such little effort on our part! (Of course, we eventually realized it was in spite of us, not because of us, that Sarah was so good!)

Sarah excelled in high school, developing her intellectual, social, and musical gifts along the way. She graduated high in her class and received a full scholarship to BYU. She's now part-way through the BYU Nursing program, and continuing to do everything she does exceedingly well. She continues to impress her parents and bring them great joy!

Sarah loved her brother from the day he joined our family. It's been fun to watch their relationship grow through the years. They have a wonderful and special bond.

Oh, and another thing has brought even more twinkle to her beautiful eyes in the past few months, for which her parents are also very happy and grateful:

How is this for sweet contentment:

Sarah, we love you, more and more as the years go by! We are SO proud of you and wish you all the best in the continuing adventure of life!!


Sarah said...

Thanks Daddy, I love you!

Snakebit said...

A beautiful girl making great decisions. It doesn't get any better than that. Happy birthday Sarah and congratulations to two wonderful parents.

Judy said...

We love you, Sarah. Keep making all the wright decisions.

Wendi said...

I really enjoyed reading this post. Great daughter, great parents. :)