Friday, March 6, 2009

Temple trip

It was kind of a cold and drizzly day today, but with time rapidly running out, I took the day off from work and drove with Matt to Salt Lake for a temple session. He had only been to the Mount Timpanogos temple previously for an endowment, so this was a good experience. It was wonderful to share the time in that magnificent building, and then to talk afterwards about the significance of the building and the things that take place in it.

I love having these kinds of experiences with Matt. It has not been easy to match our schedules in this last year; but every time we've both made sacrifices to make it happen, we've been grateful and been blessed for the effort. I am not sure he appreciates that as much as I do, but I hope the memories will linger and bless in the future!

1 comment:

Wendi said...

That's a neat picture of the sun trying to shine above the temple. :)