Thursday, March 19, 2009

A happy note

We are very much looking forward to Friday — P-day for our Elder! We're hoping for an email, though we hear reports that the email accounts aren't getting set up very quickly. In the mean time, we've had to make do with a few scribbled notes from him, requesting items he needs (his other scriptures, clothing items, cookies, etc.). We continue to worry about how Matt is adjusting and how he's feeling. We have visions of depression, discouragement at the study demands, loneliness in missing his friends, struggles with early morning hours, etc.

Today in the mail we got one of those short notes requesting a few things. At the bottom was a tiny "PS" that meant the world to us. Amazing how a few words can convey so much!

We're still eager for the full letter, but for now, our hearts are much more at peace.

1 comment:

Judy said...

What a great P.S.