Thursday, January 15, 2009

Three Survivors

When I arrived at Mom's apartment today at lunchtime, she was enjoying a visit with her two sisters-in-law. It was fun to see these three great ladies together! Anna is still living on her own and is as perky and on-the-ball as ever. Alene is also doing very well, living with her son Ted in Mona. The two of them apparently do quite a bit together, including weekly visits to the Provo temple.

These three women seem so different in many ways. They come from quite different backgrounds and have lived very different lives. But they are bound together by having married three of the brothers in the Kenison family. It would have been nice to have Vida, the only remaining sister, here as well!

1 comment:

Judy said...

What a wonderful picture. It's hard for me to think of them as sisters-in-law the same way Bonnie and I are, but they are! How kind of them to visit Mom.