Saturday, December 20, 2008

Annual Christmas Cards

The tradition of sending an annual Christmas card, perhaps with a letter detailing the accomplishments of the past year, is an interesting one. At times, I feel like the couple in the attached "Pickles" comic (click for full strip). That probably accounts for the fact that we have not been very faithful in completing the task the past several years — averaging closer to every other year. Part of the challenge every year is to come up with a clever and interesting way to present the "news" of the family. There have been some fun ideas over the years, and occasionally we borrow someone else's good theme; but often we struggle with the composition.

However, we did succeed this year! We sent about 80 copies of our card and letter to family and friends around the country. It's always a good feeling to complete the task and see the stack of envelopes, addressed and stamped, ready for the postal service miracle.

For those who might have missed the letter, or who want a repeat, here's an online copy of our 2008 Christmas Letter. We went for creative formatting instead of a creative theme, and for brevity instead of boredom!


Denise P said...

I just wanted you to know that I much enjoyed your Christmas letter this year!

Wendi said...

What a fun Christmas letter. :) And that Pickles comic strip was pretty funny. :)