Thursday, January 15, 2009

Temple Day

We had the blessing today to accompany Matthew to the Mount Timpanogos temple to receive his endowment. It was quite an experience for me to be there as escort for my son! He and I drove out around 2:30 for the initiatory portion, and had a brief meeting with a member of the temple presidency. Then Bonnie joined us for the 4:00 endowment session.

I really enjoyed the session today. I think part of the "freshness" for me was to see it through Matt's eyes, to imagine that I was experiencing everything for the first time. It was hard to think that far back; I received my endowment in the Provo temple in May 1976. I remember Mom and Oma being with me, but don't recall who else was. Maybe Bishop Dennis Dixon and his wife?

Matthew seemed to respond well and comprehend quite a bit, but admitted his head was spinning when we chatted later! He was looking forward to returning so he could learn more.

We enjoyed a dinner in the temple cafeteria and some more quiet conversation, before hurrying home so I could show up late for my stake interviews and meetings. The other presidency members had expressed gladness to "cover" for me so I could enjoy this afternoon and evening.


Judy said...

When you think back years from now, you'll remember this as "a great day." Congrats, Matt.

Wendi said...

That's a great picture of your son in front of the temple. :)