Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy father's day!

Today was a very nice day, and I enjoyed having few extra Sunday meetings (hurrah for "Family Sabbath" in our stake!) and some very enjoyable time at home with most of the family. Bonnie fixed me a very wonderful breakfast, including very delicious gingerbread waffles with cinnamon syrup. Yum!

The mornings are pretty quiet now without children around; but I know they are much more quiet for Bonnie when I'm gone to Church meetings. I'm really grateful to have these occasional Sundays to be at home. I very much enjoy serving in my calling, but the time it takes me away from home and family is sometimes a burden. So it's especially nice to have days like today to make up for it.

I really missed Matt today. I wish I had heard from him; it's not the same on Father's Day to have a child "missing" like this. I don't think it's quite fair that missionaries get to call home on Mother's Day but not on Father's Day! But I can't complain much; I am so happy to have him learning and growing the way he is in the mission field.

Sarah and Brian, and Adam, Alessandra, and Andrew came to join us for dinner. We feasted on delicious barbecued pork cutlets, rice, wonderful tomato salad, etc. It was a delightful, enjoyable day! I feel very loved!

1 comment:

Wendi said...

I love Family Sabbath too. :)